This is a personal journal kept by Deb Adler as a commentary on living, loving, growing. Major topics include Personal Musings, Self-Growth, Spirituality, Quantum Nuwati, LGBT Issues, Relationships, and Addictions Recovery.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
There are people of all Faiths and all Religions coming together to pray, and to focus/mediate on celebrating global peace and prosperity at this time. Join us in your places of worship and praising of all good things.
Note that this falls on different days in other countries and time zones, so check yours and how it aligns with Cairo, Egypt time.
There are focused points (Meaning religious orders and groups and organizations) all over the world who have validated their participation, so we are already millions strong, so if you cannot get with organized efforts other place, do your own, gather with family, neighbors, work, and in public places with those who are willing to take a moment and know You are, because God Is.
Serve the World with intent on peace and prosperity this season….Pray and Meditate with us!!!
It is time that intelligence rises to the call, and the Peoples of this world stand in the light of truth…truth is God by its many sacred names….
Historically we are living it again. There are the few that always controlled our health, wealth and happiness, by sending forth propaganda as statistics and reports from some dark usually unable to really name source, and it is so clever in placing fear of scarcity into our minds and then as always they leave it up to F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) to do the rest, and so it all begins and the population follows and believes it!! This has been happening for eons. When is it enough?
It’s all a Mind Game. And its suppressive power playing their game and we are the pawns.
There is more than enough wealth for all and there is no need for scarcity. Organization is realization!!! People stand and govern yourselves, in your family, in your churches, your towns and Cities, your states and countries. Let us all be of One mind, let that be health, wealth and happiness for all Peoples. And if you can at least agree that prayer and meditation can help, join our global time to focus on praising Source in its many sacred names and celebrate the gifts of faith and love all have that has a heartbeat and is breathing. We are the difference and there is always a choice, God gave it as free will and no man can deny its reality….
PLEASE PASS THIS ON! Thanks you! -Deb Adler
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Monday, November 29, 2010
Every Day is an Adventure
It’s 10:44 PM and I’m looking back over a day that has been full of activity and productivity: prospecting for clients and business partners over the phone; a business luncheon turned into training; a late afternoon appointment to write a product application; connecting with a person I’m working with in recovery; attending a recovery discussion group together; coffee with my new gal afterwards; a team training call related to my network marketing business, and a phone call to one of my team mentors to top it off.
Our business luncheon took on a personalized “what daily activity do I need to do to reach my financial goals for the coming month” as our Regional Manager went around the table to grill each business partner. She worked out the numbers with each one of us– what is each sale worth (according to us respective positions), how many appointments do we need to get one sale – how many prospecting calls will it take to set one appointment? It was a “come to Jesus” meeting of sorts – but she could have just left because our guests failed to show, or worse yet if we hadn’t done the activity required to get someone there.
Coach Parisha Taylor has worked numbers with us on many occasions in a variety of business ventures. “Success is a numbers game” is a tried and true wisdom in any kind of sales. Persistency pays off. Quitting does not.
Coach Parisha
This day has held many gifts. I’ve been able to reconnect with an old friend and help him with my business service, as well as support a local business person by meeting in his neighborhood cafĂ©. Listening to another person in recovery – especially when they are new – is a gift I give to myself. I get to share the wisdoms of those who helped me along the way, and renew my appreciation for my own recovery. It’s an awesome win-win.
Looking back over my day, I’ve had a rich “life” this 24 hours. It’s been a good day and I am blessed.
I give appreciation to all who have added to my experience today, to all I have touched and have touched me. As always, I give great appreciation for the one known as Coach Parisha Taylor for being a part of my life today and every day!
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
Business of the 21st Century
Kiyosaki, author of NY Times Best Selling Book Rich Dad Poor Dad goes on to extol the virtues and advantages of network marketing as “The Business of the 21st Century.”
Coach Parisha Taylor worked with a number of us some years ago in a venture – a network marketing opportunity – to help us learn about working with systems, team building and the financial advantages of leveraging our time as well as the merits of creating residual income.
Some people like to scoff at those who think outside the box and “reach for the brass ring” – or in this case, the gold ring. Those people seem to take great satisfaction when we might not succeed at a given venture. They are firmly embedded in the exchanging time for money model that has kept people enslaved for the majority of their lives down through the ages. They are the “Dream Stealers.”
Still others enjoy pointing out the appearance of repetitive failure to those of us who have been involved in a number of opportunities over the years. What I’ve finally come to appreciate is that while some of us grasp the concept – we then have to find our “passion.”
The fact is network marketing is a proven business model based upon following a system. If you’re teachable and are willing to follow instructions, you can succeed. When I hear someone say, “Oh, that didn’t work for me” I know what they’re really saying is that they didn’t work at it.
Like anything, there are those who have abused the compensation structure in the past. But there are reputable companies that have not only survived but thrived over the years and given honest, hardworking everyday people the chance to achieve “extraordinary” lives, while giving others much wanted monetary cushions over and above their job income.
In The Business of the 21st Century, Kiyosaki explains Eight Wealth Building Assets which can be realized through the network marketing business model:
Asset #1. A Real-World Business Education
Asset #2. A profitable Path of Personal Development
Asset#4. The Power of Your Own Network
Asset #5. A Duplicable, Fully Scalable Business
Asset #6. Incomparable Leadership Skills
Asset#7. A Mechanism for Genuine Wealth creation
Asset #8. Big Dreams and the Capacity to Live Them
Most of us never learned about entrepreneurialism in school. Coach Parisha Taylor has taught pre-schoolers about generating income for themselves and to help others through their own business ventures. The kids get it – a lot quicker than most adults, because they don’t have any fear of failure. Ever run a lemonade stand as a kid? Or wash cars in the neighborhood?
Taken one step further, I’ve seen Coach Parisha Taylor help kids to learn about “duplicating” their efforts – bringing others on board to increase production/services and help others learn about how to become self-supporting through personal enterprise. She teaches them about reproducible systems. This would correlate to Kiyosaki’s “B” Quadrant. (See Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom)
John Maxwell, in his book Failing Forward, stated that the average millionaire in
Back to network marketing. It teaches about how not to personalize rejection. It teaches the value of working together with a T.E.A.M. – as in
Many national and international corporations have turned to network marketing to grow their sales force. One has only to find their passion and then follow the system to success.
A word of caution: If you don’t like people or you really don’t care about helping others, you probably won’t succee at network marketing. Because at the heart of network marketing is the old adage I’ve come to associate with a great teacher and salesman, Zig Ziglar: “You will always get what you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.”
This also brings me back to something Coach Parisha Taylor constantly instills in us: Our greatest work is Service to others. We must focus on the service. If we find a way to be of service, the money will follow.
After numerous “tries” down through the years, I have found my vehicle for helping others. I haven’t quit my “day job” yet – because I’m using that to take care of the basics while I build for my future with my network marketing business.
Some “experts” want us to believe that we live in a world of economic downturn. Fact is there is abundance all around us. The old job model where you work for one company for 40 years and they take care of you with a pension until you die is out the window. But there’s a tried and true proven model out there that offers time and money freedom “in the now.” It requires hard work and determination not to be discouraged. But the rewords have no ceiling.
One last thought: If I want tomorrow to be different from yesterday I have to something different today.
If I’m just barely making ends meet with my current job income, then chances are it’s not going to improve as expenses continue to escalate. Few of us have the financial wherewithal to begin a franchise business – which can cost anywhere from five thousand upwards to half a million dollars! That makes a network marketing opportunity a great option to explore. But don’t just dip your toe in to test the waters. I suggest doing your due diligence to find the right fit for you in terms of product or service. In other words, Find Your Passion – and the run with it!
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
Homeless Man Finds $3,300 Cash, Returns It
Just imagine living in a shelter, having no job, having only a bike for transportation – which is in need of fixing – and all of a sudden $3,000 falls into your lap. What would YOU do?
Incredibly enough, Tally brought the bag to a shelter employee – even though he admittedly wrestled with his conscience for a bit to determine what was really the right thing to do. The shelter employee found a flash drive with the laptop which had a resume on it revealing the name and address of the back pack’s owner.
The 21-year old student, Bryan Belanger, had lost his car in an accident and had withdrawn the money to buy another one. He was humbled by Tally’s decision.
He reportedly shared, “It's a lesson in keeping your faith in people. You can have character, regardless of your circumstances.”
In the end, Mr. Tally was reported to have just been glad he could do the right thing.
As an addendum to that story, money began coming in to Tally following national news coverage. He’s been able to fix his bike so he can go on job interviews.
In an article entitled "OF WHAT AUTHORITY DO WE JUDGE ANOTHER" on her website, Grandmother Parisha wrote, “There is only love. Man is basically good.”
In an age where we are inundated with daily reports of violence and heinous crimes committed against innocent people, here is an example of one person who knew in his heart that the only course of action for him to take when all was said and done was “the right thing.” Tally shared that he knew he had to give the money back because it wasn’t his.
How often to we find ourselves in similar circumstances, with far less at stake – or so we think? What is the “price” of integrity? What self-deceptions might we use to justify when we take credit for a colleague’s idea or project; when we find something that we know doesn’t belong to us but we don’t make the effort to locate the true owner?
That back pack didn’t have any obvious identification in it. Many would have then said, “Oh well, finder’s keepers.” But Tally went the extra distance to find out who it belonged to. Oh sure, he’s received some “rewards" from the resulting notoriety gained by his actions, but his real reward happened when he faced his demons and said, No. I’m not going to give in to greed or selfishness. I’m going to give it back.
A powerful example from a man with “nothing.” Actually, when you have your integrity intact, noting else really matters.
for more information go to:, October 19, 2010
"It Gets Better" (Broadway sings for the Trevor Project)
AWESOME Video put together for The Trevor Project and the It Gets Better Project. Thanks to all who made this video possible – you are amazing. Nuff said!
Please help share this video with as many people as you can! Help get this beautiful and powerful message out to our LGBTQ Youth! -Deb Adler
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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Wear Purple on October 20 for Spirit Day
GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) has launched a “Wear Purple on October 20 for Spirit Day” Campaign on Facebook, Twitter and through its website:
to ask people to honor the recent LGBTQ teens who committed suicide and to End Anti-Gay Bullying.
Here are some of the suggested additional activities:
“ On Wednesday, post this tweet: I'm wearing purple to end anti-LGBT bullying - make your profile pic purple today #SpiritDay”
“On Wednesday, post this Facebook status: I'm wearing purple today to support LGBT youth - make your profile pic purple today for Spirit Day at”
Please visit and support providing safe schools free from bullying for LGBTQ and all Youth!
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Parisha Taylor on Spending Time
More and more I am aware that when I choose to go to bed, I am closing another chapter on the book of my life. To bring closure to a day and end it, it is gone forever.
Grandmother Parisha always reminds us that “Time is the only thing we spend that we can never get back. What are you doing with yours?”
Each day is precious and I must seek to live it to its fullest. How have I added value to myself today? Whom have I served? Positive answers to these questions will help give greater meaning to my time here, and greater peace when it is my time to move on. -Deborah Adler
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
When The Going Gets Tough, Do You Keep Going?
“When you journal daily make a point to highlight what you have learned and what has changed in you. It is always what is inside that determines what we experience in each situation. We are human and this is the way we evolve and mature.
“We exchange time for experience…That is life.
“Take charge of yours…make goals and keep them.
“Make goals that involve stretching, but allow them to be within your means.
Daily accomplishments strengthen us.
Make some goals accomplishable on your way to major leaps!”*
These words are from my long time business coach and mentor Parisha Taylor. She is constantly reminding those of us she works with of the value of “failing forward.” In her words, when we experience a “mis-take” we can easily do a “re-take” thus turning the learning experience from our “failure” into the building blocks of the next success. It’s that simple.
Grandmother Parisha was raised in a culture that provided a nourishing environment for learning through mis-takes and re-takes. So it’s natural for her to live and teach from this simple truth. For those of us who grew up with parents, teachers or other authority figures who might have admonished, criticized or demeaned us for our mistakes, we have to overcome old feelings of embarrassment or being “wrong” which we learned to equate with being “bad.”
Our upbringings are what they were. We can’t change the people from our past. But we CAN change the lessons we bring forward from the past.
Long after those “authority figures” are out of our lives, we allow their voices to occupy space in our heads. We bring forward those feelings of shame, hurt, or anger that block us from the freedom to make mistakes. We live in a culture that confuses “ignorance” for “stupidity,’ and condemns anything less than perfection, which in itself is self-defeating. Self admonishment is not an effective teacher. I know.
Life is a perpetual learning lab. It’s up to us to decide to be the perpetual student. By freeing ourselves from the old stigmas of making mistakes, we create an environment for ourselves that inspires success through persistence. Far too many people quit when they are closer than they realize to their goal.
By journaling our day at night-time before going to bed, as Coach Parisha Taylor advises, we can stake stock of the day’s successes and failures. We take note of what worked and what we could have done better or differently. These are the lessons we bring forth from our day – be it business, relationships, whatever.
Our experiences change us, if we chose to learn from them. Journaling can assist to gain a perspective on that as well. “It is always what is inside that determines what we experience in each situation.”
Coach Parish once shared these words with us from another great motivator, Brian Tracy: “RESOLVE in advance that you will never give up…RESOLVE to persist until you succeed.” She reminds us that by refusing to stop, we become unstoppable!
She’s also taught that time is the most precious commodity we have. It is the only thing that we spend that we can never get back once we have. We can always get more money, more things…but time, once it’s gone, it’s gone. So exchanging out time for experience is a great way to make sure we get the most out of it every day. Miss no opportunity to learn from an interaction, a situation, however seemingly small or insignificant. For those moments will become the building blocks that we can utilize to take on the mountains we dare to dream about!
By treating life as an opportunity instead of a “sentence” – by realizing that every day is a gift, an adventure – by nurturing and loving ourselves – we can take on the most horrendous of circumstances and triumph – One victory at a time! – Deb Adler
*©1986-2010 Parisha Taylor. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Parisha Taylor
I have worked with Parisha Taylor since 1986 when I went to the Center for Human Development to book a concert and a music workshop. I began to attend the Spiritual Development class conducted by Parisha and some of her associates on Monday nights. These evenings included prayer and meditation times for world peace, learning how to live healthier through better nutrition and natural foods, holistic modalities for maintaining optimal health in addition to singing and exercises to help the mind-body connection. From there I began to spend some weekends and attend events at farmlands in Summerfield, for which the Center For Human Development had become stewards.
In time I traveled to many wonderful locations in the U.S. and Canada where I attended trainings conducted by Parisha. By way of example, she taught the rest of us how to value ourselves. We stayed in the best hotels and ate well. We laughed, played, and learned about ourselves, ancient cultures and the traditional ways of Parisha’s people.
These trips cost money – to travel there, for the accommodations, to eat, for transportation. And yes, at the end of the trainings¸ I voluntarily gave a monetary “love offering” to measure to the value of what I had gained in knowledge and personal perspective. As a recovered alcoholic I knew a lot of my life has been an ongoing story of taking from others. It has been liberating for me emotionally and financially to practice measuring the worth of something I have received and delivering my “gratitude” in the form of money.
By her own words, Parisha is of mixed heritage – one side of her family is Native and one side of her family is Caucasian. There are “natives” – themselves half-breeds – whom I have witnessed, try to dispute her heritage. Ultimately they run out of gas. Their prejudice and ignorance can’t stand up to the truth. I have been in Cherokee, North Carolina with Parisha to re-visit her homelands where she was raised by her purebred Cherokee Grandmother. I was privileged to witness the respect with which Elders and local native people approached her. If there was any question about her authenticity it would surely have surfaced in the manner in which these people related to her – in the heart of the Cherokee homelands.
Parisha Taylor is a capable personal coach and like a great coach¸ knows how to pull the best from the people who have asked for her help to become their ultimate success. Not everyone who asks to be successful has the inner fortitude or heart to make it happen. To those people, Coach Parisha Taylor may look imposing. But to those of us who have striven to excellence in our lives, she has been a magnificent reflection of our own capability, and relentless support in helping us to reach our goals.
The great teachers and coaches in life have their share of whiners who complain that too much was demanded of them or that person was crazy or demented. The problem is they quit on themselves and can’t face that fact so they look for someone outside themselves to blame. These are the “sources” Michael Sangiacomo sought out to quote in an effort to discredit Parisha Taylor, along with “real natives” (who themselves are mixed breeds because there are very few pure-bred traditionalists left in the nation today).
One of our beloved members died taking part in an exercise on the beaches of Topsail that she and many of the rest of us had participated in several times over the years. But the papers, led Michael Sangiacomo, started a vicious prolonged campaign to try to discredit Parisha and actually implicate her in the death. None of the allegations were ever proven, none of the newspapers running these stories – including the Associated Press wire service - subsequently bothered to substantiate their facts¸ they just ran the stories. Why? Because sensationalism sells.
That was over 20 years ago. The Cleveland Plain Dealer, through reporter Michael Sangiacomo, has resurfaced in a malicious attack once again, apparently because of the good works Parisha Taylor is currently accomplishing along with members of The Learning Center for Human Development in Kingman AZ.
I am dumbfounded. Other than the fact that the printed newspaper is fading fast from the American scene, and maybe Sangiacomo is trying to help save his paper from extinction (like the comic book heroes he writes about), none of this makes sense. I have known Parisha Taylor for over 25 years. I am a better person for what I have learned from her in classes, trainings, and walking along side her. I am a more effective businesswoman and community member for my association with this generous and dedicated woman.
I’m also pretty disgusted. People’s lives can be destroyed by an arbitrary decision to make them newsworthy, or try to sensationalize an event. I would ask everyone reading this, and certainly everyone who knows me to consider that I choose my friends and associates with great care. I believe in Respect for All. Those who try to make their gain at the expense of others give me a lot of opportunity to practice compassion. But then that’s what I’ve also learned from Parisha Taylor. Compassion and Love for my fellow Humans.
Undoubtedly, Sangiacomo will eventually exhaust himself once again. What will be left is a woman who stands in Truth: Parisha Taylor.
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered 2010
Dispenza, a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, reveals how we can change our past - personal, family, and even our genetics through understanding the chemistry of the brain. He provides scientific information as to how our thoughts create chemical reactions that hold us to addictive patterns and feelings and how to reprogram our brains to break free of those cycles. He also demonstrates, as in the example of Dr. King, how holding to a vision can create a new future.
"For example, the Civil Rights movement would not have had its far-reaching effects if a true individual like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had not, despite all the evidence around him (Jim Crow laws, separate but equal acomodations, snarkling attack dogs, and powerful fire hoses), believed in the possibility of another reality.
"Although Dr. King phrased it in his famous speech as a "dream," what he was really promising (and living) was a better world where everyone was equal. How was he able to do that? He decided to place a new idea in his mind about freedom for himself and a nation, and that idea was more important to him than the conditions in his external world.
"He was uncompromising in holding fast to that vision. Dr. King was unwillling to alter his thoughts, his actions, his behavior, his speech, and his message in response to anything outside of him.
"He never changed his internal picture of a new environment in spite of his external environment, even if it meant insult to his body. It was the power of his vision that convinced millions of the justness of his cause.
"The world has changed because of him."
Taken from p. 14, Evolve Your Brain
copyright 2007 Joe Dispenza, D.C.
published by Health Communications, Inc.
Amen. -Deb Adler
(Other posts by Deb Adler honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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