This is a personal journal kept by Deb Adler as a commentary on living, loving, growing. Major topics include Personal Musings, Self-Growth, Spirituality, Quantum Nuwati, LGBT Issues, Relationships, and Addictions Recovery.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Parisha Taylor on Spending Time
More and more I am aware that when I choose to go to bed, I am closing another chapter on the book of my life. To bring closure to a day and end it, it is gone forever.
Grandmother Parisha always reminds us that “Time is the only thing we spend that we can never get back. What are you doing with yours?”
Each day is precious and I must seek to live it to its fullest. How have I added value to myself today? Whom have I served? Positive answers to these questions will help give greater meaning to my time here, and greater peace when it is my time to move on. -Deborah Adler
©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.