Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, we’re in the final stretch of the 2008 Presidential Elections. Yipee!

I saw a teaser on the front page of USA Today the other day echoing the sentiments of many Americans that ”this election needs to be over.”

Alas, the winner will be announced in just 7 days - or maybe 8, or maybe…if we have some kind of snafu like the past two presidential elections, we may have to wait for a convoluted congressional or judicial process to determine who is really going to take the helm of the United States for the next 4 - or 8? - years.

However it shakes out on the 4th of November, one thing is for certain: this election is a unique opportunity for voters to express their disgust with the political process. I am referring to the option of voting not for the Democratic or Republican candidiate, nor for any of the other independent candidates on the ballot, but for the rightful Democratic presidential candidate: Hillary Clinton.

Anyone planning to write-in Hillary Clinton for President must also write-in a Vice-Presidential candidate in order for the ballot to be valid.

My choice is former Secretary of State Collin Powell. Yes, I know he is a “Johnny-come-lately” to the Democratic Party but I prefer him to Obama in the VP seat with Hillary at the helm. I believe they would work very well together.

So that’s my vote, as it will appear on my absentee ballot, which hopefully will be counted. Watch for the returns from Ohio, specifically Noble County. If no report of my write-in is included with the official tallies, it got buried.

Stay tuned…

-Deborah Adler

©2008 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
©2008 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

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For years I have been advocating a revision of our country’s election process that would include a greater opportunity for people to cast their votes in presidential elections.

How absurd is it that we have allowed only one day - during the traditional “work week” - when too many employees cannot get the day off and may not be able to complete the voting process during an allotted lunch hour or break time?

Third word nations have held elections that span several days, including weekends, so as to allow for as many possible of the eligible citizenry to be able to cast their vote in elections. So if countries emulating the “demoncratic process” can show that sort of thoroughness in creating the greatest possible opportunity for all of the people to be able to make their voice heard - why not the country that is supposed to be the prototype for Democracy?

So I have been extremely pleased to see the following stattistics as reported by USA Today recently:

In person:
• 34 states allow people to vote in person before Election Day. 31 don’t require an excuse; 3 states and the District of Columbia do.
• 16 states do not allow early or in-person absentee voting.
By mail:
• 28 states allow no-excuse absentee voting by mail.
• 22 states and the District of Columbia require an excuse to vote absentee by mail.

Source: Early Voting Information Center at Reed College

So we still have a ways to go, but we have come a long way to resolving the inequalities in our democratic process. Now, make sure that you take advantage of what is being offered. Get to the polls. Can’t get off work? Go this Saturday. Go online to find out where you can vote in your county during the “early voting” period. (September 30th through November 3rd).


-Deborah Adler

©2008 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

©2008 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

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