This Saturday, I and my ceremonial family will gather with friends and family to celebrate the Great Pine Ceremony at our Ceremonial Homegrounds in southeastern Ohio.
On this longest night in the year, there is one moment when all the Universe pauses, at the precise time of the Winter Solstice. (This year it will be Dec. 22, 1:08 am).
At this moment, there is a tone, a frequency, as a signal, released by the Evergreen Trees. This signal travels deep into the Mother (Earth Mother) to awaken the new growth that will come in the spring. It also awakens the sap running through the trees.
In this longest night, the miracle of new life takes place as it has for eons. The Awakening. In the "dead" of winter, Life sends forth a call through the Evergreens - those Tree People who always remain green, who never shed their leaves.
Is it no wonder that humankind's many religions have chosen this particular time to celebrate Holy Days? How appropriate!
We celebrate Life and New Beginnings in many ways. But the message remains the same. For we are One. One Voice. One People. One Seed. One with all forms of Creation on this planet and throughout the Universe. One.
In the words of one of my sisters, "The Trees give us the air we need to live, we in turn give it the air it needs to breathe. It is the Tree Of Life. Its leaves have the same DNA as humans. We are close relations, dependent on each other."
If you are in the area and can join us for this celebration, you are most welcome! Come to Friendship Village, 49862 Batesville Rd., Summerfield, Ohio 43788. For information call 740-838-4033.
Great Pine Moon and Winter Solstice
May this season be all that you ask for, and allow love to be in all you do. Hold all here holding the center and home fires in your light and connect to this ceremony, before you are dazed by the commercials and consumers craze that over shadows most at this time. Stuff will not fill the empty place that this holy time speaks for. Your gift of time and prayers, being present and holding all in love will cure anything and fill all with lights!
Give celebration for the caring people at our ceremonial home base and grounds who come to this time in traditional celebration and holds the moment for us all. Earth is talking along with all of nature and there is more than Grandfather Pine moving this clear in mind and heart.
Happy Holidays from all of us here at home!
©2008 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.
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