Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alaska Judge Strikes Down State Tax Law That Discriminates Against Gay Couples

Alaska Judge Strikes Down State Tax Law That Discriminates Against Gay Couples: pAlaska law permits older married couples to take a property tax deduction that is as much as twice as generous to married couples as it is to unmarried couples who own their home together. Because gay couples are unable to marry in Alaska, this means that people in committed gay relationships are excluded from the [...]/p

Monday, June 27, 2011

Simple Truths - Good To The Core

Simple Truths - We Hope You Enjoyed the movie!

Stark rally protests fracking - News - Ohio

Stark rally protests fracking - News - Ohio

The passage of drilling in the Ohio's State Parks through the already proven hazardous to your health process of "fracking" is an affront to the current and all future generations of Ohioans and people in the Midwest in general. THIS MUST BE STOPPED! Ohio RISE UP and stop the insanity. these money-hungry politicians would rather sell our children's future than find safe solutions to the budget problems they've created.

Safe drinking water is NOT a commodity on a gambling table. Safe drinking water is a necessity. STOP THIS NOW!

Friday, June 17, 2011

GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING: What Will Fracking Do to Your Food Supply?

GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING: What Will Fracking Do to Your Food Supply?: "The controversial gas-drilling practice is tainting water. Your food might be next. Barry Estabrook Fracking Pollution GiltTaste ..."



Ohio Senate Approves Drilling In State Parks

Ohio Senate Approves Drilling In State Parks: "State parks and other lands in Ohio would be opened to oil and gas drilling under a bill that passed the state Senate on Wednesday, despite environmental concerns raised by Democrats."

DESPITE CONFIRMED REPORTS OF CONTAMINATED WATER SUPPLIES AND EARTHQUAKES in Arkansas rsulting from "Fracking" there, Ohio Governor Kasich is determined to rape the state's natural resources in order to fill the state coffers.

Actor Gary Sinise to begin military charity foundation

Actor Gary Sinise to begin military charity foundation

To a Child, Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E Movie

To a Child, Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E Movie: "I'm hopeful that this movie will make you stop and think a bit today about what is TRULY important. It is a remindeder of how crucial it is to "be there" for the important people in your life, and if you're a parent...you know there's really no one more important than your children."

Friday, April 1, 2011

Follow me on Blastoff! http://ping.fm/7ndS8 http://ping.fm/UAPkt

Follow me on Blastoff! http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/djadler

Blastoff takes Social Shopping to the next level! Follow me on Blastoff to check out the great deals I'm finding. Make donations to the charity of your choice when you shop at your favorite stores! Get cash back and great deals. Join now and shop for your cause! http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/djadler

Follow me on Blastoff! http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/djadler

Follow me on Blastoff! http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/djadler

Blastoff takes Social Shopping to the next level! Follow me on Blastoff to check out the great deals I'm finding. Make donations to the charity of your choice when you shop at your favorite stores! Get cash back and great deals. Join now and shop for your cause! http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/djadler

Follow me on Blastoff! http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/djadler

Monday, March 28, 2011

Life is like Coffee Movie

Life is like Coffee Movie: "Do you know people that just seem to be happier in general? Do you say to yourself, "I want to be more like them"? Often, the happiest people in the world don’t have the best of everything...they just make the best of everything!"

Childhood Cancer- Alex's Lemonade Stand