Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Write-In Hillary Clinton for President in November

It’s official. I’m starting the movement now:

Write-in Hillary Clinton for President in November.

Obama is busy out there proving what I (and the 18 Million others who voted for Hillary in the primaries) knew all along. Wonder-boy is all fluff and no substance. Charisma is great for dictatorships but in a democracy sooner or later you need more than just “good looks.”

You need experience. You need to know how to negotiate in the “Big Boys Room” without getting cremated. Hillary has that experience from her years in the Senate, not to mention her behind-the-scenes activity during Bill’s White House years.

As for diplomacy, Hillary wins hands down. Class (as in “quality” not “position”) rules in this arena. Boyish charm won’t go the distance - after all, it hasn’t worked for Georgie-Boy.

If it’s true that “behind every good man is a good woman” perhaps the Dems will get the hint and place Hillary in the VP Seat. At least that will appease some of the populace.

I’m going for the whole enchelada. If Hillary does end up on the Democratic ticket as Obama’s running mate, I’m still going to write her in for President in November. If you care about this country, I suggest you do the same.

May the best candidate win.


©2008 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Where is my bumper sticker!!!